
Welcome to our Formation and Ministries Page!

Below you will find information on Youth and Adult Formations in our parish. We also have a parish subscription to that our parish can use for learning more about our faith. You can also download the app on a smart tv or Roku for libraries filled with movies and video content. Best of all, it’s free to use for our parish. (Resources for Catholics in our parish)

Youth Formation:

Youth Formation has begun. Please contact office for more information at 985-385-0770.


Important Youth Links:

National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministries

Life Teen

Adult Formation:


Come, Lord Jesus!

Come, Lord Jesus!  (CLJ) inspires and assists Catholics to live out the Gospel message to the fullest. Through weekly prayer meetings, prayer, and scriptural study, members are formed into ardent apostolic witnesses and dedicated parish ministers. The program is based on the three-year cycle of Sunday readings; the group reflects upon one reading each week.  Parishioners have the opportunity to become a member of an already existing Come, Lord Jesus! group, or become a leader and start a group of their own. A list of current groups is listed here. To join an existing group or lead a CLJ group please contact Jeannie Landry at 985-385-6639 or Gail Dupuis at 985-385-2905, so that we can address your wish to be a part of Come, Lord Jesus!

Consider joining a Come Lord Jesus! group

Our Lady Star of the Sea

Our Lady Star of the Sea is dedicated to the local Confraternity. View the page below for upcoming events, pictures, and the chaplet prayer for Our Lady Star of the Sea.


How to pray the Chaplet of Our Lady, Star of the Sea

This Chaplet has a Medal of the Virgin Mary, 3 separate beads and then Example: 1 set of 12 beads. Medal + 1 + 1 + 1 / 12.

Beginning at the medal, say the following prayer:

“Most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel,
Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven,
Blessed Mother of the Son of God,
Immaculate Virgin,
assist me in this my necessity.
O Star of the Sea,
help me and show me herein
that you are my Mother.”

“Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Queen of Heaven and Earth,
I humbly beseech you
from the bottom of my heart,
to succor me in this necessity;
there are none that can withstand your power.”

On the first three beads, you say
1 “Our Father,”
1 “Hail Mary“, and
1 “Glory be.”

The intentions of these three beads are for those who minister in the Church, the Pope, the local Bishop and the Parish priest.

On each of the 12 beads that follow, these representing the 12 stars on Our Lady’s Crown, say 1 “Hail Mary” followed by the following invocations.

“Our Lady, Star of the Sea,
help and protect us!”

“Sweet Mother,
I place this cause in your hand.”